Sunday, April 29, 2012

New Background Photo

Not much to say today other than that I finally personalized this page by changing the background photo from one of Blogger's stock photos to one of my own I call "BOOTS".  The girls were at their cousin's horse farm outside of Tacoma, WA last week and as they were leaving the stable my husband suggested that I take a photo of the rubber boots they were all wearing.  I used the "miniature" effect on my Canon G12 in vivid mode, ISO on auto, and focused on the boots.  At just the right moment Baby A turned and looked. I thought it made for a great photo.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

First Post

Well, I did it, I started a blog, finally.  I had thought about it a long time ago but didn't do it and regretted it, but better late than never right?

At first I wanted to start a blog to vent.  I joined Facebook when it came time to connect with folks as my 20th high school reunion was nearing.  I met back up with a dear childhood friend and whilst chatting she mentioned something about how turned off she was by people on Facebook who post only negative comments.  She was right, and I knew I was prone to that kind of negativity, so I vowed to always post positive things on Facebook.  As a result, I felt I needed an outlet for the negative.

At about the same time my twin daughters were around a year old and we had run the gamut of baby toys and I felt like I wanted a forum for praising or slamming baby toys in an effort to help other moms.  So, this was the other reason I wanted to start a blog.

So, here I am nearly four years later, still wanting a place where I can do what is described above and much more, so here it is, my blog.

Binky and the Toy Thief refers to the twins of course.  Since right now they define me more than any other aspect of my life I felt that this title was fitting.  The girls got this moniker for obvious reasons.  One of the twins used a binky until she was nearly three years old, and with children who are the same age and developmental stage you can image a whole lot of toy thievery went on, and still does.  I have to admit that in this name there is also a little bit of reference to Pinky and the Brain as I am always bent on world domination of some sort or another.

As I type about Pinky and the Brain it brings back a particular memory.  Many years ago, before my twins were born, I had a friend who from time to time would sell me gemstone rough for my jewelry and gem business.  Once, at the prospect of obtaining a huge parcel of a very rare gem, I quoted the Brain and was surprised to get a Pinky response from him.  His explanation as to why he caught the reference was that he had nephews.  I miss DR very much, he had a stroke, had to quite faceting gems, and became a recluse.

Having just shared the above, I will declare that this blog will be an odd mix of product reviews, whining, and reflection on current and past events and people in my life.  If you can stand my run on sentences, run on paragraphs, and over all poor grammar ("I only speak two languages, English and Bad English"), then I'd love for you to join me here.